At a difficult moment in your life, has it ever felt impossible to let God's light touch you? After her daughter was killed, Alissa Parker felt at times that it would be impossible to ever forgive or move forward. Here, she shares her heartbreaking experience, and the lessons of healing that God ...
Anthony Sweat's talk from the TOFW Arise tour.
How much do we really understand about grace? Grace is more than a description of God's attributes--it's how He engages with us. Here, Brad Wilcox shares his perspective on God's grace.
It's easy to feel overwhelmed by a big goal. In this presentation, Elaine S. Dalton shares her conviction, "When we're prepared, we can do hard things." When we establish holy habits and righteous routines, you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to.
In times of trial or pain, have you even been afraid to let God work in your life? Here, Emily Belle Freeman shares her experience exploring some of the most difficult and honest questions that there are: Is God good? Can He be trusted?
Self-improvement can feel daunting and stressful. When a small thing is wrong in our lives, it can impact everything else, including our ability to "give a dang." Emily Watts lovingly shares what she's learned about improving her own life "bit-by-bit," in order to make her life more in line with ...
Eric Huntsman's talk from the 2017 TOFW Arise tour.
Presentation by Fiona Givens at the TOFW Arise 2017 tour.
Whether they're tears of sorrow, tears of happiness, or tears that come during a sacred moment--a tear-shedding moment has the capacity to help you grow into a different person if you let it. Laurel C. Day shares a different perspective on tears than one you've ever heard before.
Mary Ellen Edmunds talk from the 2017 Arise Tour.
What does it mean to truly be a part of the worldwide sisterhood? Tamu Smith and Zandra Vranes explore what they've discovered from personal experience, Church history, and Biblical stories about how we can be "sisters" to those around us, even across cultural or racial divides.
Throughout our lives, many of us struggle with our confidence. But as women of God with an extremely important work to do, it's important that we learn how to be active leaders that dare to make our voices heard. Wendy Ulrich shares her own struggles with confidence and the lessons she's learned ...